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bankruptcy for failing businesses

My wife and I made the decision to open a residential cleaning business. We needed enough money to get the equipment, do a bit of advertising and get the licensing and insurance to protect ourselves and our customers. For about two years, things went very well, but then, things took a terrible spin for the worst after we hired a few employees to help us with the workload. Since then, we have gone bankrupt and have gone back to working full time jobs. If you are struggling with your business and considering bankruptcy, this blog can give you some answers to the many questions that you have.

bankruptcy for failing businesses

Dealing With An Injury When You Are Already Of The Brink Of Financial Collapse

by Gertrude Austin

More people than not are living from paycheck to paycheck. This is a precarious lifestyle, especially if you are not able to save for possible issues that can come up in the future. Finding yourself injured when you are on a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle can be particularly painful. Not only will you have medical bills, but you will have to take days off of work which can severely decrease your income. If you are already on the brink of financial collapse, then you find yourself injured due to an accident another caused, here is what you should do. 

Document the injury immediately

Being able to document everything leading up to and causing the injury will be necessary for later on. If you are the victim of an accident or if you have a slip and fall, make sure to get out a pen and paper and record exactly what happened immediately. It is also a good idea to take photographs of the accident and where the accident happened. Last, you should ask those who saw the accident happen for their information or witness statements to prove liability later on. 

Put it in the hands of a personal injury attorney

The person who will be able to help you the most when you are down and out due to an accident is a personal injury lawyer. Although they will be able to represent you in court as their primary function, they can do much more. Many personal injury attorneys have had clients who were in the same position as you. They will be able to refer you to a doctor and possibly to resources that can help you with medical bills while you wait for your claim. They will also be able to guide you towards expediting your claim.  

Apply for temporary disability

If you are not able to work as a result of your accident, you may be able to file an interim social security claim. Social security disability can be utilized for as long as you are off work due to an injury. If you are unable to work but you still need to make ends meet, have your personal injury attorney provide you with the information needed to help needed to apply for a social security disability claim. The money from disability can keep your family afloat until you heal and can get back into a better financial position. 
